Original media from our community.
A supplier of Aluminum metal sent this small disc to a vendor so they could test the purity of the Aluminum using mass-spectrometry. It appears that there are multiple small burn marks on the sample, which may indicate this sample was tested.
Shiny aluminum slugs in a bottle
A collection of silvery ingots, from left to right: |sn|, |pb|, |zn|, |bi|, and |al|
Boron group: amorphous brown |b| powder, dark crystalline |b|, a bottle of |al| slugs, |ga| pellets, thick |in| wire, and a small piece of |tl| metal
Two Alumin(i)um cubes: a 1 cm cube on the left, and a 1 inch cube on the right
A small jar of Alumin(i)um cylinders
1 gram of Alumin(i)um in bullion form