
Ancient times
8.9 g/cm3
1084 °C
  • 1983 °F
  • 1357 °K
2565 °C
  • 4649 °F
  • 2838 °K

Contributed by the site creator

Oddly-shaped chunk of Copper metal, which has been polished on the top

Contributed by Cyrenia

A copper cube measuring 25.4mm (1") on each side, purchased from a metaphysical store. The text around the square reads, clockwise from the top: COPPER / 8.92 g/cc / 5 OUNCES / 1085°C. The square icon itself reads: 29 / Cu / 63.55.

Contributed by collector no. 4

Copper group: oddly shaped beads of Copper and Silver , and a bead of Gold in bottles

Contributed by collector no. 3

The Copper metal group: a large Copper sphere, beautiful Silver metal crystal, and a 1 gram bead of Gold

Contributed by collector no. 6

Inductor made from Copper coils

Contributed by collector no. 6

Several forms of Copper metal!

Contributed by collector no. 2

Copper pellets in a bottle

Contributed by collector no. 2

2 polished copper cubes, both in clear cases: 1 cm cube on the left, 1 inch cube on the right

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