
8.99×10-5 g/cm3
-259.3 °C
  • -434.8 °F
  • 13.8 °K
-252.9 °C
  • -423.2 °F
  • 20.3 °K

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Ampoule of Hydrogen in a bottle

Contributed by collector B.W.

A small amount of radioactive Tritium (Hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons) in a tube that has been coated on the inside with a phosphor. The radioactivity of the Tritium causes the phosphor coating to glow green in the dark.

Contributed by collector no. 3

Ampoule of colorless Hydrogen gas

Contributed by collector no. 2

One larger and one smaller ampoule of Hydrogen gas on top of a plasma globe, glowing a purple-blue color

Contributed by collector no. 2

Small ampoule of Tritium (Hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons) of unknown purity. Tritium is radioactive, and provides a continuous source of energy to a phosphor pigment coated on the inside of the ampoule, which glows an eerie green.

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