
22 g/cm3
2434 °C
  • 4414 °F
  • 2707 °K
4328 °C
  • 7823 °F
  • 4601 °K

Contributed by @plazmatter0430

Three beads of Osmium in the center, a bead of Ruthenium [in the row] above, a bead of Rhenium [in the column] to the left, and a bead of Iridium [in the column] to the right. This mirrors the relative positions of these elements in the periodic table.

Contributed by collector no. 4

Cobalt group: Cobalt chips, 1 gram bead of Rhodium , and 1 gram bead of Iridium in bottles

Contributed by collector no. 3

The Cobalt metal group: Cobalt "flower" piece, 1 gram Rhodium bead, and a 1 gram Iridium bead

Contributed by collector no. 3

1 gram bead of Iridium. Iridium is a prohibitively expensive precious metal. It's chemically resistant to almost everything, including some strong acids. Iridium is the second-densest element, Osmium is more dense by a tiny amount.

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