
Ancient times
7.9 g/cm3
1536 °C
  • 2797 °F
  • 1809 °K
2787 °C
  • 5048 °F
  • 3060 °K

Contributed by collector no. 4

Iron group: Iron chunks, Ruthenium bead, and an Osmium bead in bottles

Contributed by collector no. 3

The Iron metal group: a large Iron rod, a 1 gram Ruthenium bead, and a 1 gram Osmium bead

Contributed by collector no. 2

Iron pellets in a bottle

Contributed by collector no. 2

Beautiful sample of Iron ore

Contributed by collector no. 2

Iron plates

Contributed by collector no. 2

1 gram of Iron as a mini bullion bar, inside a clear case

Contributed by collector no. 2

Two cubes of polished Iron: a 1 cm cube on the left in a clear case, and a 1 inch cube on the right

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