
3.0 g/cm3
1541 °C
  • 2806 °F
  • 1814 °K
2834 °C
  • 5134 °F
  • 3107 °K

Contributed by collector no. 4

Dendritic Scandium pieces, dull gray tarnished Yttrium chunks, and two small slightly tarnished Lutetium pieces

Contributed by collector no. 3

Small pieces of Scandium , Yttrium , and Lutetium . In the past, it was debated whether these three elements are transition metals or rare-earth metals, but the consensus now is they're all rare-earth metals.

Contributed by collector no. 4

One large and one small piece of shiny dendritic (hair-like) Scandium metal

Contributed by the site creator

Macro photograph of a Scandium metal chunk. Its dendritic (hair-like) structure is clearly visible.

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