
12 g/cm3
304 °C
  • 579 °F
  • 577 °K
1468 °C
  • 2674 °F
  • 1741 °K

Contributed by @plazmatter0430

A small chunk of Thallium in a bottle under oil

Contributed by collector no. 3

Boron group: amorphous brown Boron powder, dark crystalline Boron , a bottle of Aluminum slugs, Gallium pellets, thick Indium wire, and a small piece of Thallium metal

Contributed by collector no. 3

Small piece of dull gray Thallium metal in an ampoule, itself in a bottle. Despite looking innocent, Thallium is arguably the most poisonous chemical element, even more so than Arsenic . Even holding this metal is a terrible idea, because it can get through your skin!

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