
12 g/cm3
1748 °C
  • 3179 °F
  • 2021 °K
4785 °C
  • 8645 °F
  • 5058 °K

Contributed by @plazmatter0430

A tiny chip of Thorium metal in an ampoule, itself in a padded pitri display

Contributed by collector no. 2

A strip of >99.9% pure Thorium metal, 10mm wide and cut to 25mm length, and around 1.5 to 2mm thick. This sample is stored under inert gas, and is sparkly when viewed at the right angles.

Contributed by collector no. 3

On the left: colorless Thorium nitrate. On the right, in order: Tiny chunk of depleted Uranium metal, Yellowcake, black Uranium dioxide, and bright yellow Uranium nitrate

Contributed by collector no. 2

Tiny piece of dull Thorium metal in a small bottle

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