
4.5 g/cm3
1667 °C
  • 3032 °F
  • 1940 °K
3287 °C
  • 5948 °F
  • 3560 °K

Contributed by collector no. 4

Titanium group: dull gray Titanium pieces, dull gray Zirconium chunks, and a few small slugs of Hafnium in bottles

Contributed by collector no. 3

The Titanium metal group: Titanium , Zirconium , and Hafnium

Contributed by collector no. 3

Beautiful large single crystal rod of Titanium metal

Contributed by collector no. 2

Multiple forms of Titanium metal: a 1 inch polished cube, tiny cylinders spread around and in a small bottle, a 1 cm cube in a clear case, and an egg-shaped piece

Contributed by the site creator

Tiny crystal of Titanium metal

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