
19 g/cm3
3418 °C
  • 6184 °F
  • 3691 °K
5589 °C
  • 10092 °F
  • 5862 °K

Contributed by the site creator

1 inch cube of Tungsten. Tungsten cubes are popular novelty gifts because of Tungsten's high density and weight, but most cubes you can buy online are only 95% purity. This cube is roughly 99.95% purity. Tungsten is not the densest metal though! That honor goes to Osmium , which is about 17% more dense than Tungsten .

Contributed by collector no. 4

Chromium group: Chromium chunks, tarnished Molybdenum chunks, and Tungsten chunks in bottles

Contributed by collector no. 3

The Chromium metal group: Chromium , Molybdenum , and Tungsten

Contributed by collector no. 4

Two chunks of dark Tungsten metal

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