Original media from our community.
50 gram chunk of Yttrium metal. This sample has a unique shape: a quarter slice of a dome or bowl. That’s equal to 1/8th of a sphere, also known as an “octant.” This sample has dulled and slightly darkened over years of exposure to air.
Dendritic |sc| pieces, dull gray tarnished |y| chunks, and two small slightly tarnished |lu| pieces
Many small pieces of dull gray Yttrium metal laid out on tissue paper
Small pieces of |sc|, |y|, and |lu|. In the past, it was debated whether these three elements are transition metals or rare-earth metals, but the consensus now is they're all rare-earth metals.
Four chemical elements were named after the town of Ytterby, Sweden, where many rare-earth elements were discovered from the ores mined there. In this photo is |y| (large chunk), |yb| (in ampoule), |tb| (brassy pieces), |er| (silvery pieces). Also included are small pieces of dull, slightly oxidized |ho|, which takes the name of Stockholm, Sweden.