Shop Elements from science stores

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Seller Updated Listings
JDChemist 12 days ago 365
Luciteria Science 12 days ago 230
Metallium 12 days ago 356
Onyxmet 12 days ago 533
PE Guys 12 days ago 567
Smart Elements 12 days ago 543
United Nuclear 12 days ago 99
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  • Listings are from third-party sellers.
  • Listing information or thumbnail photos may be incorrect. Verify everything with the seller.
  • Some elements are dangerous. Understand how to handle all samples safely.
  • Some elements may be unlawful in your area. Don't buy anything that is unlawful in your area.
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United Nuclear

  • Zirconium (Zr)

Luciteria Science

  • 7x25mm ampule in labeled bottle
  • 10x40mm Ampule

Luciteria Science

  • 5x25mm ampule in labeled bottle
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