Terms of use

These terms are subject to change at any time, without notice.

You must be 18 or older to use The Living Table of Elements website.
"This website" refers to the Living Table of Elements website.
"We" and "us" refer to the Living Table of Elements website and its creator.
"Listings" refer to the listings of third-party sellers hyperlinked on this website.
"Products" refer to the physical products advertised in the listings.
"Laws" refer to local, state, federal, regional, and any other laws applicable in your region.

By using this website, you release us from all liabilities.
This includes, but is not limited to, liability incurred from:

  • Any use of information on this website
  • Any use, lawful or otherwise, of the products
  • Obtaining the products
  • Negligence of products
Some products are dangerous.
You must read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each product you intend to obtain.
You must abide by all laws regarding disposal of each product you intend to obtain.
Some products may be unlawful in your region.
You must abide by all laws regarding purchasing, posession, usage, storage, and disposal of each product you intend to obtain.
You must not use any product in violation of any laws.

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This website also uses Cloudflare Web Analytics, a privacy-focused analytics platform.

This website does not guarantee the accuracy of any information.
Listing prices and purities, listing thumbnail images, scientific information, and any other information on this website may be outdated or inaccurate.
Visit the third-party seller's website for the most accurate information regarding prices and purities.
By visiting the websites of third-party sellers, you may be bound to different terms.

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When you sign in with Discord, your email and profile information is shared with me, the website creator. I may store this information.
This website is not hosted in the EU, but if you are a fellow element collector in the EU and have data or privacy requests, feel free to contact the site creator.


Livingtoe.com © 2023-2024 The LivingToE creator.
Listings, thumbnail photos, and products © the seller.
Not affiliated with the sellers or listings on this site.
By using this website, you agree to the terms.