
Element of the Month
September 2024

38 Sr

Strontium ions are responsible for the vivid color of red fireworks. It was named after Strontian, Scotland. The pure metal appears silvery to brassy, but samples are usually black because of oxidation.

2.6 g/cm3
772 °C
  • 1421 °F
  • 1045 °K
1383 °C
  • 2521 °F
  • 1656 °K

Original Strontium contributions

collector no. 4

One tiny, and two medium chunks of Strontium metal in an ampoule. Most of the surface is slightly tan from oxidation, with some shiny parts coming through.

collector no. 4

The Alkaline Earth Metals group: Beryllium , Magnesium , Calcium , Strontium , and Barium

collector no. 3

The Alkaline Metals group: Beryllium , Magnesium , Calcium , Strontium , and Barium

collector no. 2

Shiny, slightly golden crystals of Strontium metal in an ampoule. Samples of this metal are rarely found this shiny.

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