Pa Protactinium
Contributed by u/246-trinitrotoluene
Very small quantities of Protactinium and Neptunium in a solution. For those interested in the technical details, this contributor writes: "While it isn't a macroscopic sample of Pa ... the first [photo] is a sample of tracer-level aqueous Pa-233 in equilibrium with (also tracer) Np-237. Probably a few thousand dpm to a few tens of thousand dpm, didn't bother to check again. Looks pretty much like water, but the second ... image shows how an analysis of this sample can show both elements using alpha/beta discriminating liquid scintillation counting. The colors below the line represent counts due to the Pa-233 betas, and the colors above the line are from Np-237 alphas. The x-axis is channel (energy) and the y-axis is [the] pulse length [index] - shorter for betas, longer for alphas ... Radiochemistry is my day job and it is pretty great - lots of unusual things to study."
Np Neptunium