Contributions from Ea Nasir

Table of Contributions

From Ea Nasir

H Hydrogen

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Ampoule of Hydrogen in a bottle

He Helium

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Ampoule of Helium in a bottle

Li Lithium

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Lithium chunks in what appears to be mineral oil. As Lithium is so light, the chunks float to the top of the bottle.

Be Beryllium

Contributed by Ea Nasir

A machined piece of Beryllium and a chunk in a bottle

B Boron

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Dark, shiny chunks of crystalline Boron in a bottle

C Carbon

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Shiny chunks of Carbon in a bottle. It's hard to tell if these chunks are the graphite or glassy form.

N Nitrogen

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Clear Nitrogen gas in an ampoule, in a bottle.

O Oxygen

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Clear Oxygen gas in an ampoule, in a bottle

F Fluorine

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Clear ampoule that probably contains 33% Fluorine, itself in a bottle.

Ne Neon

Contributed by Ea Nasir

Clear Neon gas in an ampoule, in a bottle

Ra Radium

Contributed by Ea Nasir

A Mauthe brand alarm clock with Radium paint. First photo in the daylight, second photo in the dark showing the glow more easily.

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