Contributions from collector B.W.

Table of Contributions

From collector B.W.

H Hydrogen

Contributed by collector B.W.

A small amount of radioactive Tritium (Hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons) in a tube that has been coated on the inside with a phosphor. The radioactivity of the Tritium causes the phosphor coating to glow green in the dark.

Ne Neon

Contributed by collector B.W.

Neon gas in an ampoule on top of a plasma globe, glowing a characteristic red-orange color

Na Sodium

Contributed by collector B.W.

2 grams of small, moderately tarnished Sodium chunks in a bottle filled with mineral oil.

Cl Chlorine

Contributed by collector B.W.

Ampoule of liquid Chlorine encased in a clear acrylic block. Chlorine is normally a gas, but the sample is roughly under 8 times normal atmospheric pressure which allows it to liquify. The characteristic evil yellow color of liquid Chlorine is clear to see.

As Arsenic

Contributed by collector B.W.

Oxidized Arsenic chunks in an ampoule

Br Bromine

Contributed by collector B.W.

Liquid Bromine in an ampoule, which is resting vertically on a clear stand of some sort

Ag Silver

Contributed by collector B.W.

Chunks of rough Silver crystals in a container. This sample of Silver appears to have an unnatural slightly golden hue. A top-tier photo of a rarely encountered form of Silver.

I Iodine

Contributed by collector B.W.

1 gram of dark purple Iodine pellets in an ampoule, resting on a clear folding stand

Cs Caesium

Contributed by collector B.W.

A very small sample of Caesium metal in an ampoule, which itself is in a clear container

Contributed by collector B.W.

1 gram of solidified Cesium in an ampoule, resting on a clear folding stand

Pr Praseodymium

Contributed by collector B.W.

4 grams of tarnished Praseodymium metal in a bottle

Hg Mercury

Contributed by collector B.W.

A very small sample of liquid Mercury metal in a clear container

Contributed by collector B.W.

Mercury in a clear bottle

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